Rebecca Paris Rebecca Paris

Finding The Light of You

My desk lamp (from Pottery Barn) is an inspiration…really, read on.    What unconsciously attracted me is the strong iron core from base to top that connects to the light.   It is made of transparent crystal signifying honesty and integrity with nothing to hide. What you see on the outside is what is on the inside, no distortions.   My light is deeply grounded in the earth, but connects strongly upward. Even though it's transparency can be vulnerable, it is protected with the hard crystal, not allowing energy that is not suited to penetrate the field.

It is an inspiration to live like this but is definitely not easy in the world we occupy today. The natural world just grows and does not have misconceptions of who it is. It connects with its source energy and becomes who it was destined to become from the seed, assuming the environment is not too toxic.  Unfortunately, humanity throughout time has taken on many distortions and is conflicted on how to proceed. What you see on the outside in most cases is not what is inside.

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Rebecca Paris Rebecca Paris

Getting into the Heart

We have all grown up with phrases such as, "put your heart into it", "she has a heart of gold", and "a change of heart". So we have always known at some level that the heart is more than an organ that pumps blood. In fact, according to "The heart is a highly complex information-processing center with its own functional brain, commonly called the heart brain, that communicates with and influences the cranial brain via the nervous system, hormonal system and other pathways. These influences affect brain function and most of the body’s major organs and play an important role in mental and emotional experience and the quality of our lives."

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