Flashes and Dashes in the Night Sky

Flashes! Dashes! Wow! Have you ever watched the sky at night? If you have, you may have realized we are not alone.

On Day 7 of our trip, we stayed in Bayfield, WI on the shores of Lake Superior.  We stayed there on the advice of our friend, Peter, who has a cabin in northern Wisconsin and has had many contact experiences watching the night sky. On the way driving to Bayfield, I was assured by my Arcturian soul friend that we would have experiences sky watching.  Well, within 15 seconds after sitting down, a light dashed across the sky right above and in front of us. This is what is called a “gate jumper” where they jump through a wormhole into another wormhole to primarily say, “Hi! We’re right here!”

I first learned about all of this primarily on my trip with my daughter, Alexis, to Uluru, Australia in January 2018 where we attended the Cosmic Consciousness Conference. The first night there at the conference, the attendees did a sky watch with the head of the Australian ECETI (Enlightened Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence) and my friend, Tracey Ash, who introduced me to sky watching while in Egypt with her transformational tour group. The first thing the head of ECETI did was flash a green laser light three times in the night sky and immediately she got a response back of a light flashing back to us three times.  She did it again three times and we got a flash back three more times. Then she did it once more with the same result! She said to the group this is called, “Close Encounters of the 5th Kind.” Wild!

In Uluru, they cater to people who want to have these experiences as the group of hotels there have two designated watch areas with seating around the raised mound. Alexis and I had many experiences over the nights and early mornings there. One morning at 4 am, in forty-five minutes we had twelve gate jumper experiences. They were dashing across the sky letting us know they were there present with us.

We also had many experiences of a light traveling across the night sky way up in the stars. The first night we had 30! The ECETI director told us to say, “Power-up!” as you connected with the light traveling across the sky and they would power-up and flash. Out of the thirty, I recall four of them powered-up and flashed. One did it twelve times as they crossed the night sky! You can feel it when they do it, because there is such an energetic synergetic connection between you and them. It’s so wild, because they are up in the stars! We say, “Power-up” and some do! Such an amazing experience!

Rebecca and I had about twelve or so collective experiences of flashes and dashes in the night sky over Bayfield. It’s pretty awesome! I highly recommend you start sky watching and connecting with our star families. When you do, start by grounding and connecting in your heart while asking for an experience with your enlightened star family. Then, with great excitement brewing inside, enjoy your experiences! This will increase your awakening consciousness.



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