Contact with a Sasquatch

As we drove and neared our next destination, Packwood, WA, by Mount Ranier, I said to Rebecca, “The energy here is intriguing.” A few minutes later, I connected with why and I said to Rebecca, “There are Bigfoots here.” As I continued to drive, I started to open into the consciousness of the Sasquatch in the area.

We were having dinner a few hours later at Packwood Brewing and I decided to do an internet search on “Bigfoot in Packwood, Washington.” Somewhat surprised, this article popped up sharing a conversation the author had with the cashier at the Cliff Droppers restaurant in Packwood: 

I asked the young woman working the cash register if she’d seen any Bigfoot. This is my standard conversation-starter, regardless of where I am. Fortunately, on this particular day, I happened to actually be in Bigfoot country, so I got a response.

She told me she’d been out hiking with her husband when they came across monstrous, barefoot humanoid tracks in the show. Her husband was a very large man, she told me, and his boots were dwarfed by the size of those tracks.

Now, what’s more interesting is the fact that these tracks eventually just stopped. They were in snow. There was no place for the creature to go. Yet, they simply evaporated. 

Now, this was not surprising to me to read that the tracks just stopped in the snow, because as I learned at the Cosmic Consciousness Conference in Australia in Jan 2018 that Sasquatch’s open portals with their voice via toning and their consciousness to enter another dimension. This may seem unreal and I understand. However, they can do it. This was even shown in a TV series researching Sasquatch where they were tracking one from afar and it just vanished off their screen. 

There were moments through the night that I would open up to the Sasquatch consciousness that was presenting itself. And like I have done many other times connecting with beings that I don’t see with my eyes, I connected with a Sasquatch. This is done with my multi-dimensional abilities. Whenever I do this, I do sense an opening of my beingness where my body feels an energetic consciousness of a different dimension, which allows a connection with the other being. In this space of connection, there is non-verbal communication and even touch via my body that is represented in this other dimension as holographic. The other being’s body seems holographic as well.

The moments with this Sasquatch were special as there was a recognition between us in great respect and honor. He even turned and motioned behind him showing me his family. I told Rebecca that there was this opening of great love between us. I know you reading this may be thinking all kinds of crazy things about me, and you may be even laughing, and yet, it was real. Not imagined, real. If you are one that remains on this earth, your multi-dimensional capabilities will emerge again and you will see so many beings that live on this earth all around us that you have not been able to see for thousands of years. So, when this begins to happen for you, remember that the key is to be present before any being in honor and respect, and a non-threat. 

During our few and quick moments in commune, I got the image of something he would leave for me by the door of our cabin. On returning from hiking in Mount Ranier National Park the next day, there was a pine cone below the step leading to the door of the cabin. It was a pine cone that I had an image of that he would leave me. Did he or was it there by another means? I know what I believe. 

There are seemingly many magical things or occurrences that happen in my life that don’t seem possible….one’s that you can attempt to explain away. I don’t ever do that, because I know when you do, you just limit or shutdown the potentials that exist in this multi-dimensional quantum world of infinite potentials. I suggest you do the same. 

The New Earth is here now. You may not be seeing, sensing or experiencing it yet and that’s because you and your consciousness are still hooked into what has been. Get out in nature and reset. 


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